
Sometimes I believe in fate, but the chances we create always seem to ring more true

Um dia o meu mundo ruiu... aquele castelo forte onde vivia segura desmoronou-se e eu lembrei-me porque um dia tinha deixado de pôr as mãos no fogo por alguém, porque tinha deixado de acreditar...
Esse dia chegou no dia em que tu duvidaste também dessa fortaleza onde vivíamos...
Nesse dia eu relembrei sentimentos à muito enterrados e duvidei...
São de novo os nós e os laços... os nós que quando se puxam apertam... os laços que se soltam... e cujas fitas se vão com o vento...
E perguntei-me o que fazia eu com aquelas duas pontas na mão, incapaz de as desunir, triste por não as conseguir apertar
E eu que nunca tinha imaginado o pensado nisso, vi o meu castelo ruir...
E ainda assim, a vida continua... não há tempo para parar...
"If You Were A Sailboat"
If you're a cowboy I would trail you,
If you're a piece of wood I'd nail you to the floor.
If you're a sailboat I would sail you to the shore.
If you're a river I would swim you,
If you're a house I would live in you all my days.
If you're a preacher I'd begin to change my ways.
Sometimes I believe in fate,
But the chances we create,
Always seem to ring more true.
You took a chance on loving me,
I took a chance on loving you.
If I was in jail I know you'd spring me
If I was a telephone you'd ring me all day long
If was in pain I know you'd sing me soothing songs.
Sometimes I believe in fate,
But the chances we create,
Always seem to ring more true.
You took a chance on loving me,
I took a chance on loving you.
If I was hungry you would feed me
If I was in darkness you would lead me to the light
If I was a book I know you'd read me every night
If you're a cowboy I would trail you,
If you're a piece of wood I'd nail you to the floor.
If you're a sailboat I would sail you to the shore.
If you're a sailboat I would sail you to the shore

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